14 messages for “Taylor Swift

  1. adelinemarson@icloud.com

    Hey, Taylor Swift! I’m like, the HUGEST Taylor Swift fan. I listen to your music 24/7. In fact, I’m listening to it while I type this comment/letter. And I will probably also be listening to your music by the time you read this. TYSM for taking the time to read this, Taylor! -Adeline
    P. S. I’d love it if you could contact me, Taylor. My contact is adelinemarson@icloud.com

  2. Ryan Simonton rossy mule my friend Ryan

    5 days ago
    Dax dear god
    Dax Eturnity
    Nf oh lord
    Flame start over
    Zauntee god taught me the warehouse edition
    Rossy mule my friend on Ryan on YouTube
    John Denver Rocky Mountain high
    Don Perkins gods abode
    Rick Warren if I could teach you one thing why god made you
    Chosen one 10min with the Holy Spirit
    3signs you are going to heaven
    Proof the end times are here
    lil Wayne Eminem drop the world ???? lil Wayne says i know what they don’t want to tell you at 1:52 !!!!!!!!9 I think ???? he’s talking about the governments don’t want to tell us all that Jesus Christ is coming back home
    726 talbert ranch good riden but the song is not good ????why Break ????4️⃣Ricky goat Carmichael 2️⃣Jermey?Mcgrath 3️⃣Eli?Tomac 5️⃣Mike?Larroco!!!1️⃣4️⃣KW2️⃣2️⃣Chad?reed2️⃣5️⃣9️⃣James bubba Stewart 111!!30!!479!!554!!!567!!176!!374!!609!!311!!157!!114!!617!!9!!747!!100!!21!!3!!456!!609!!621!!17!!448!!51!!71!!89!!79!!890!!104!!901!!551!!353!!
    Wonderwall~oasis(for the bit)
    We see it too late~robin Williams on the fragile meaning of life
    Left turn by Cody Hicks
    Oprah Winfrey this is why you never mess with god????
    Send to jacki this is on Eminem not afraid ????

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