4 messages for “Billy Idol

  1. ann

    m gonna contact you, because there are, scandinavian, especially danish, who want to stay, and be pregnant and get children with famouse, they themselves are prostetutes home relation and friends all over usa,, then we, have to, as slave help them and follow them, for there rest of there lifes, jokes never ever

  2. john hurter

    Good day

    I am John Hurter from Namibia (southern Africa)
    Let me quickly tell a little bit of myself, I was born here in Namibia and race.
    I completed my school in South Africa.
    I have met my wife here in Windhoek, Namibia. It was an instance of love when we got married and still is after 20 years.
    We have 2 kids.
    I am 50 years old and.
    Recently my wife was diagnosed with cancer and she is very sick.
    Hospital bills pile up and so do the adder bills.
    I have been unemployed for 3 years now and have no income, it is very hard to get a job here in Namibia.
    I have no sources of income.
    I plead to the public of the USA that if they can help me financially, they can donate the same money how small every little will help us.
    I ask in the Lord’s name please.
    I can contact at the following email:hurterj5@gmail.com
    Please this is not a scam it is a cry for help please.

    Many thanks

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