8 messages for “Mariah Carey

  1. ann

    A network of people you know well together, help the youngster of your families and allso there parents like Madionna Meryl and you, there are danish who want to say all for them


  2. Anonymous

    Hello, sorry to disturb you, but I would Like to ask you, if you could help mé financially? I am a single Mother with a 5 year old son we háve beeen both left alone, since his father has left us for another woman only 4 days before the wedding. At the moment, I am without the job and nowadays it is very Hard and not easy to find the job, when there is a pandemic situation all across the world. I would Like to buy a house, property, where I can also work from home a live there at the same tíme. I need to buy one place, which costs 100 000 eur and another 100 000 eur I need for a reconstruction and refurbishment. Because the place is in a terrible state. So I need together 200 000 eur.. I know, that is not a little amount, but I am very tired from the whole situation that I cannot help my son and myself. No one wants to give mé a such a big loan, Because I am a single Mother and dont have a job. I even keep trying to play a lottery, but I havent been lucky so far. I dont know, what to do, to be able to give a chance to my son and to me. To give ourselves a better life. We are from a poor family and we never had an extra money for a free sending. Here in Slovakia we heve a small salaries, no financially help, or an allowances., and therefore I am kindly asking you for helpso I would be very greatful for it. Sorry, that I was troubling you with my problems. Thank you very much for undersatanding. Best regards Monika from Slovakia .E-mail adress:Mimi672@azet.sk Mimi,you are my Idol long time ago from 1994 till now.I love you so much .Please help me ..

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