5 messages for “MrBeast

  1. Emma

    Hi let me hope am not being scammed because if it is true $50 are gone believe I did this with a get risk but it is not me being scammed you will help me.am by name of ssemu Emmanuel and am I need of your help
    I want to learn coding maybe to help my mum and dad earn more so that we can get school fees but I don’t even have a laptop I am learning from my 3 year old phone $60 dollar worth.if you can help me my what’sapp number is 0759155055 and emmassemu8@gmail.com is my email address.help me please.

  2. Damian mwangi

    Hi there,

    It would mean so much if you could take a look at my GoFundMe and donate I’m damian from East Africa Kenya and you are much welcomed to Africa for a Challenge and please share with others—any help gets me closer to my goal. Thanks in advance for your kindness and support.

    Here’s the link: https://gf.me/u/4ys76u

  3. Mr beast

    Hey jimmy I am in a really bad situation our tv is broken and we need a new one I would really appreciate a new one if you could text me back that would be great I would also like to be in one of your fit it in the circle you win it or touch it I’ll buy it because I really need to tidy up me and my families house your the perfect person for that. Also tell Karl that if he wins the challenge next video I’ll send him $69! Just please respond this would mean a lot to me.

    -your number 69 fan
    I’ll go buy a beast burger

  4. Annabelle pridham

    hey jimmy what’s up i am Annabelle and i live in a unwealthy family my mum and dad just abandoned me last week i am staying at some old mans house he is really rude and creepy but its better then on the streets i thought you could help me through this situation much

    love Annabelle????????????????????

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