Contacting Celebrities with their home addresses
Linklist: Home locations of the stars
Celebrities live in houses just like everybody else their house has a number and so of course it is possible to send a usual letter to them.
See links below.
Well just in case you really want to send a message to celebrity then you can also always try to send a real letter to their home address. Because even celebrities and stars live somewhere. And so you can off course send them a letter. The problem with this is that you never know if you got the right home address because there are always several addresses named for where a star really lives. But here are some Websites that list celebrity home addresses. So you can check these websites and look if you find the address of the person you want to reach. Or lets better say you can check all of these wesites and find all af the adresses that are linked to your celebrity and then you can mail to all of them and see if you get a letter back.
But don’t be dissapointed because you can not just send a letter to a celebrtity. often these letters simply come back unopened because often the addresses given on these pages are not up to date or something. Maybe you do not neccessarily want to contribute to sending one more letter into the big bag of letters that your star recieves every day. But who knows maybe you want to do just that. If you want to contact your celeb then this is another way. So here are the websites:
This is a list to sites that collect real home addresses of Stars
Big page with a lot of addresses: celebrity adresses
Next link also a lot of addresses to the typical celebrities you maybe want to contact: celebrity adresses
And another site naming a lot of real home addresses for many celebs is this one celebrity addresses
And more addresses for you on this page celebrity email addresses
And here a “Big book of celebrity addresses”:
The Ultimate Celebrity Address & Phone Book by Cord G. Coslor
And even more addresses of the homes of stars. Also a lot of addresses on this page
And another page where you can find some addresses:
And the last. another address page:
Just for all you fans out there. this Page shows pictures of the houses of some celebrities. This ican be fun to look at of course. How does your star live.
Images of the celebrity houses and living rooms
Of course if you are looking for autographs or contact possibilities you might want to try going to the homepage of your star.
Maybe you check all of these sites for the home addresses of your star and then compare if an address is named more then another or how much the site is up to date. Then you could check the Wikipedia entry for your celebrity and see where Wikipedia thinks that the person lives at the moment and then you maybe have a good idea about which address is the real postal address for your star. And then you can actually just write a usual post letter. But remember that a lot of people do this which results in bags of letters reaching the celebrities. So even if your letter arrives at the celebrities home it may well be that the celebrity has no possibility to read all the letters addressed at her or him. It is like if you imagine that you recieve a big bag of letters every day. If you would read them all you would not be able to do anything else over the day. So it is technically already not possible for the celebrities to read all mail that they recieve. With these link you should have a good base for checking if you can write a letter directly to the person you want to contact.