Make your own celebrity email addresses
Enter a new address
On This site you can create a new email address for your celebrity and store a message. Or read what others wrote to that person. Go to Home.
Where can I find the email addresses of my star or celebrity email addresses. You can not. The star does very probably not want to be reached by everyone. So all the real email addresses are kept a secret. If people would know the address of any star the star would recieve so many letters that he would go and change his or her address. So what can you do to reach your celebrity. You could either leave them a message on Facebook or Twitter or you could just store a message online her on Starsmail. The celebs do not know that there are messages for them here. But nevertheless you have the possibility to leave messages for any celebrity here. Lets face it probably you are writing this messages largely for other fans at first. But i do think that at some time the stars will come here and read their messages. If these messages are not deleted then, because if the messages exeed the capacity of this site older messages have to be discarded. So check first if it is necessary to write your star the message you have. And if you find it is not at all necessary then you can very much use this portal. Because on this forum of open addresses you put in the accounts yourself. So your celeb will not even be aware that he or she has messages here. Well after some time the stars will get aware of the messages probably but this could take years. So this site is more about reading what others wrote to your star then really about contacting stars. It is just a way of generally leaving a message that is online and addressed at a star or celebrity.
Disadvantage: the famous person has no idea that he or she has messages here. The advantage: you can leave a message to everybody you want. The pope, the president whoever. So don’t ever be disappointed if you can not reach your star. Often we think to know persons very well that we see on tv, but in most cases we do not really know these persons. So take this site as what it is a fun thing. And maybe get off of the idea that it is necessary to contact a celebrity. Because the way you get a different image of people once you know them better the same is true about any star. Yet this site is a place to generally store a message to your star. Just for the fun of having done this. So go to the message folder or mailbox of your favourite star and read what others have written. And then write your own message. The messages are to be kept short because we want to attract the stars to this site. And therefor we want to make it easy for them to read many messages in a short time. So if you think it is fun to store a message online for a star that you like here you can do so.
Online message board
So this is a big online message board for messages to celebrities. Just store your messages for any celebrity here.