Celebrity email addresses
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On this page you can create a new email address for your star and leave a message. Or read what others already wrote to your celebrity. Go to Home.
Celebrities have private email addresses. They do not tell you their private email addresses and that for a good reason. Imagine thousands of people writing you to tell you either that they love you or that you are really disliked by them. What yould you say? You probably would keep your mail address a secret. That is useful and makes sense. So how can you reach your star. You probably can not reach your star to much personally. You could try Twitter, I think there is some option to write a message to the person whos Twitter acount you are on. It is very doubtful that your celeb will read it if there are really thousands of messages for each star. And You cold try Facebook. I personally have no idea how this Facebook all works but I think you can write mails or messages there for the persons whos account you are on. So if you write a message on this celebrity email site here you will quite shurely not reach your celebrity. That is not to much the idea behind this site. The point is that you can store a message for every celebrity that you like. Because you just open the email accounts for the celebrities yourself. That makes this a site where all celebrity email addresses can be found.

You can find all celeb mail addresses online. But you can be shure that they recieve a lot of letters. All celeb email addresses is something you can not find. And that isn’t to bad.
Just that the celebrity does not even know that you put up an account for him or here. I think after some time the celebs will get aware of this institution. What would you do if you would learn that somebody opened up a mailbox for you somwhere on the internet and that there are messages for you. You would probably have a look and even if it is only to make shure that nobody writes agressive stuff about you. But this page is for friendly email rather then agressive stuff. But the point is you can store a message to every famous person or vip. Just go ahead and look if your star or celebrity already has an address in the address folder. If your celebrity address is not there simply open up an account for your star. It is a bit like: well if we can not reach the stars because we do not have the real celebrity email addresses then we might also open up new mail accounts for them ourselves and put our messages there.
Celeb addresses self made
So just prepare a message account for anybody who is famous and at once you can send a message of fan greetings, love letters or friendly and helpful criticism. And the best thing is, because probably the star will not find your message at first, that you can read in the mail accounts because they are open. So you can read in the publicly accessable mail accounts what other people think about your celebrity. So your celebrity has no email address that you know. And opening up an email account for your celebrity does of course not mean that the celeb will read it. But still on this page you can just do that. making mail addresses for the vips is completely free. You do not have to register or anything. Just see if your vip already has a mail address and leave a message. Or if your star does not have a mail address here just type the name of your v.i.p. in the textbox and this will create the new account. so you have all celeb addresses right here online. Only that the celebs do not know that. Given the fact that the celebs will probably never read it you have all addresses here. Jennifer Aniston, Leonardo DiCaprio, Johhny Depp. All in one place.But as stated you will probably have to live with the fact that the stars will not recieve your messages wherever you post them. But would you like to be talked to by a hundred people who just do not know you but are absolutely convinced that they do know you. No you would not like that. So it is not to bad that you do not have a real address of any star. But for everything else you can use this site.
Have fun writing and reading the open mail accounts. It is in general a fanmail page. No insulting or stupidness. Report abuse on the “about” page. Criticism is of course ok. Where would we be without criticism, but see to it that the criticism is useful. If you want to contact the crew of this page also go to the “about” page. The rest is pretty much self explanatory. Creat new addresses, read messsages. You will see the links to all that.
Pamela Anderson or David Hasselhoff on this online site it does not matter who of these persons has an account here, because here you make the accounts yourself.
Other options to get the addresses of celebrities
I heard of a service that will sell you the contact information of celebrities for money. Thats write you pay them to get acces to this information. Well If you ask me that sounds fraudulent but who knows. This side actually shows reviews of people who claim that they successfully tried it. We will link you to the page but please be scepticall. We have nothing to do with this page we found it and we link to it so that oyu can see all possibilities you might have. The site offers a free 7 day trial. But Remember this also can be scam. Be more then carefull but if you really have to reach out to a VIP then you just want to gather all ideas how this could be made possible.