Create your own celebrity email addresses.. Store message..
Check spelling !!!
Use your own celebrity email to store a message..
If this site gets famous celebrities will find the messages
To contact your recipient you could also look for their facebook and instagram or twitter account
or do this.. :
Find out celebrity mail addresses and write a letter
Give your star a celebrity address on Starsmail by entering a name where you see “Post Title” and hit “Submit Post” to confirm.
Titles and names only in english. Example: Right: “Pope Francis”, wrong: “Papst Franziskus” (thats how the same person is called in Germany)
If you want you can also put up messages for Michael Jackson and Elvis.
Take the time to check the correct spelling of the persons name in Google.
All messages have to be friendly. No agression or insulting.
Starsmail is meant for appreciation and constructive criticism.
Because many people might want to contact your star keep your message short, short, short.
Make celebrity email addresses on Starsmail and store a message
Starsmail is a place to post a short message to a celebrity or a star.
Starsmail is like a little message board where you can create a celebrity address.
Not the customer of this message board enters his or her address. Instead you enter a celebrity address here for the star or celebrity that you want to send a message to.
That means you can send a message to or store a message for any person you want. If the person will read it, nobody knows.
What is Starsmail open celebrity email addresses
Starsmail, just make a celebrity email and store a message for this person. Create your own celebrity email addresses. Send a mail to anybody you want. This is a place to store your message to your star and give her or him a friendly advice. Agressive mail is not allowed on Starsmail. Criticism is ok as long as it is friendly and helpful. On Starsmail you make the email account for your celebrity. Just enter the name of any socialite and at once he or she has a message folder on Starsmail. And you can store short messages under this celebrity address. You can also store messages for politicians or bands. Of course you will have to hope that the addressees find this page and get aware that there are new celebrity email address here. For everybody whose name you enter will create a new message box or celebrity address on this site. So you don’t have to bother that you do not know the email address of celebrities, you just give them a new address on Starsmail. Just enter the name into the field above and you will open up an account to store your message. Contact your celeb but keep the message short. So that it stays fun for the celebrities to read the emails. This is your fanmail forum. Just write what you want to tell to your star. Simply make a messag folder for anybody by entering their name above and so create a mailaddress for your celebrity here on Starsmail.
You don’t know an address of your star, just create a new one for her or him.
Starsmail the place where each of your stars will have a message box if you create one. I wanted to write to the pope. But try to get the address of the pope. you can not just mail this guy. There is an addres to one of his secretaries, but I doubt that my letter arrived. So I was like, hum, maybe I create a new mail folder for these people. So here you can send your message to everybody. Just open up an inbox and you can directly write a text and it will be stored here for some time. or just read the messages that are put under the addresses of your star. With this we provide a new form of gossip. If people write here to famous people of course with this they also write about those people, so this is also a site for a new type of vip news. Other people might also want to write to your favourite actor or singer so go ahead and open a new folder for your her or him. Just type the name of who you want to email and at once you will create a new mail address for this celebrity here on starsmail. So this is the ultimate platform for writing emails to people whose original emailaddress you will never know. The focus of this site is not only that they read it themselves but also about general gossip and fun. And as long as somebody will read it sooner or later somebody might even tell the reciever for the stars are also talking to people. And if somebody would post messages for me on a certain site I probably would at least go there from time to time and read what was said there to and about me. So all we have to wait for is that this page gets well known. Well if it gets to well known then there will be to many posts probably and the whole page will not work anymore. But we’ll see to that. For now you can store letters in the mail folders which you create as new emailaddress. Just enter anybody that you like. Da Hoff, Christina Aguilera, Obama. As I said I wanted to write to the pope. If he will find my message here? I think the chance is there. And if not other people can read the messages that I put into his message folder.
Marylin Monroe, your favourite band, the president. If you open a mailbox for a star you can put up your messages. Anybody who is famous can be given a mailbox on this site.
As I said keep the messages short to make it a good invitation to come to this page and read a lot of mails in a short time. There are surely a lot of stars which you want to tell that you like their looks or what they have given to you. There will be surely some prominents that you want to tell to chear up. I am sure you have got something to tell. Make a postbox write a message to a celebrity and store it. Easy, simple, free. Remember the world is small. I am really thinking that the consignee will become aware of their letter box here. I opened an address for Pearl Jam. Yeah. So despite the thing that they do not know about it really everyone star can have a mailaddress on Starsmail. Because you give it to them. And also it is just a fun page.
So If you should find this method not to be satisfying and you think: there must be a better way for writing to stars then you might want to have a look at the celebrities homes article. It lists a good amount of links of living places. So choose this option to find out the real actual mail address of your star.
And so you have a contact even though some persons are hard to contact. But it is nevertheless extremely interesting what other people write into the folders. So the whole thing is also about seeing what is written to these socialites. We offer the third possibility after postal service and not knowing the email address of your star and that is: creating your own address for him or her.
Other contact options then celebrity addresses
Other then using the link above you could try to reach the rich and famous on their social media accounts. Chances are that the popular people will not read any bit of information given to them on these channels but if you think about it this is a general problem. If this page here gets to crowded and that is what must happen in order for the addressed people to get aware of the posts and ultimatly read them then this platform will be filled with messages. The recievers might not be able to read all the letters. So lets recap what we had so far:
- The biggest problem about writing this group of people is that they get a lot of letters
- Also they keep their celebrity email addresses hidden for a good reason
That would lead us to the next step in thinking: is it necessary for me to express what I want to express to that person? And at that point there kicks in an old rule: You do not actually know this person. Also love is very much only possible if the other one also loves you. So sooner or later it will most probably show that you do not really love the given guy or girl. It is all in their reaction which you with a high probability get wrong. So it might be a nice feeling to have feelings for some other individual and to dream of him or her but looking at history shows that these feelings seldom hold up. So you are better off probably looking for a better guy around where you are. And as i mentioned: affection is very much made possible through the reaction of the counterpart. That is the reason why ultimatly your star is by far not as hot as you think he or she is. But nevertheless a bit of infatuation can strengthen your personality one would guess.
Sometimes we think that we are the only one who understands the popular person best and so when you look through the given channels and find other human beings swoon over your precious you might think: That person does not know him at all. That then is the time to point that same question to yourself. So this might serve as a reminder of the facts behind such things as being infatuated with people you never met. But nonetheless letters of affection are a vital part of this page and if it is only tho have your desired one know your name and that you exist so that he or she thinks about you once. And so please fill this forum with love letters. I bet the recievers love to hear every word of those letters. So lets come to the next reason such a message is brought on the way: simple appreciation. Those are the letters I tend to write here on this forum.
The actors and musicion really gave something to me. I liked to watch or hear them so to some I just wanted to say thank you. And reading the entries on this site shows clearly that a lot of people have the same desire just to compliment some person for the entertainment or good feelings they brought. And I think this is a nice thing as I remember the old actors-saying: Actors live by bread and applause. Following this statemant you make the peoples life a bit more happy with just the appretiation that you give. So this also is one of the purposes of this project: expressing this estimation and maybe connecting it to your name because ultimatly who knows what it is good for if somebody has a thought back on you. So we see the main reasons for writing famous people are seemingly those two: affection and valuation and from there follow a lot of minor reasons that creates the wish to get into contact with a celebrity. Browsing this site shows up some of those motives. One user wrote that he wants to have a share of the prominents money. Well It is doubtfull that he will recieve a check for this notion so we come to think it might rather be an expression of the senders wish to have more money on the bank.
Some of the readings show actuall wishes in fields where the addressed person is asked to let go of a bad conduct. As for example Tom Cruise and Will Smith are asked to leave the sect they are in. Admittedly those posts where written by myself. And the reason for me to do that was that I actually care for the recipient and do strongly believe that they are on a wrong way with what they do. And that opens up the view on a very important factor in wanting to send a letter to a VIP: constructive criticism. Always nodding ones head is not neccessarily a great idea when you watch someone head for desaster. And this gives us another of the purposes this site can fulfil. Given that at some point the recipients really read the prepared messages then they will with this get the information that can become valuable for their own lives. Ultimatly this is an errand of friendship that even though the socialite does maybe not want to hear it might prove as being of a high worth for him. In another post we can find that the boyfriend of a certain girl seem to drink to much and so the woman is warned afore that guy
. This might be personal but is still considered a hint given in friendship and might hopefully benefit to some degree. So criticism is a good thing if brought forth in the right way. Thats why informative bits are well encouraged here. As well as it is discouraged to just bash your headliner. Readings like: “You are a freak. Regards Tom” will be deleted as soon as they are found. In order not to have whatever you post deleted make sure it suffices a politeness standard. Messages that are friendly phrased hints of things the sociality might improve are not considered spam.
Reading the open emails
It was a bit surprising for me when reading through the things written in the email addresses of celebrities on this site to find that some of the emails read like invitations to the countries and cities the forwarder comes from. There is expressing of the wish the prominent could make a meet and greet in the town where the addresser lives. It is actually just ligical that this wish is brought forth since the wish for contact all first seem to stand above most of the notices given here. Yet I was not aware that this would be a recurring theme in the given announcements. which in turn means that new information was revealed about what actually it is people want to send to their celebrities. Apart from giving a general hint to the promints to host more meet and greet events I can from here just wish all of you the best of luck that your wishes come true.
This gaining of a new information uncovers another purpose of this project with the email addresses of the celebrities: You get aware of what other people have to say to the person you are addressing yourself or what they think about those you do not want to write or even those you do not even know. Lets say you adore a VIP and now you happen to find that a lot of people feel the same way. This can give you the good feeling that you are in a group and doing the right thing. It can be a confirmation about what you are doing. Praise given to a celeb you never heard of might on the other hand give you base of judging who might be worth of being checked out. This enterprise gives you insight into the thoughts other people have about the prominents you care for. And since the posts are addressed to your star directly you also get aware of another type of information and that is what your person of interest has to deal with when getting messages. You can build up an image of how those correspondances look like and that ultimatly gives you a better grasp of the live of a given celebrity.
So it is save to say that this venture is not only about sending messages but also much about reading them. What do others think? What is written to my darling or hero? Those are concernes that indeed do form a center part of this forum and so you should feel invited to browse the output in the mailboxes. Who knows which interesting new info you might stumble upon. Maybe another fan discovers an attribute of the given guy you have never noticed before. And as I said before: maybe somebody discovered an all new girl which was primarily completely unknown to you. Checking back on other writers thoughts can be an important source of new knowledge and here you can do it in relation to your praised ones which offers fascinating insights.
Will these posts be read? People create email addresses of the stars here but those do not even know of that. Well the philosophy behind this page is: “We deliver”. So you can see from the moto that the actual plan is to deliver the given messages to the named recipient. But living up to this basic idea is not always easy. And the ultimate goal in persuing this strategy that the meant people know of the stars email addresses must be in making the site itself more popular expecting that as soon as the page becomes known to the headliners they build out a natural interest to see what was said to them. So what are the strategies used to make the project a big enough name for the receptor to get note of it. And as of today this is done by one action mostly which is making the project large enough in information so that it becomes a noteworthy instance to list for an according query. So the quetion we have to ask is: what is information in general judged in regard to search queries. And the answer to that is simple: Text is the information that is looked for. As some of you may have already noticed: the information you are reading at the moment primarily serves exactly that purpose. This here is the enlargement in content that makes projects seemingly noteworthy in the first place. If you wonder about the aim of the treatment you are looking at at this moment then by now you know that it is a mean to enlarge the pure quantity of things presented here.
This is the technique with which an attraction is created due to higher visibility. All the visuals that you can find in this place apart from creating a certain mood or environment very much also serve the purpose of a simple enlargement. If you happen to have a project that you think needs more attention then you well might come back to this practice for yourself. Not only a few more sentences: A novel is what you need to create this visibility. Keeping in mind that the searcher in this case is not cabable of actually comprehending the texts wich are examined. But you as a reader also should not be angry about being presented with a writing that is not to much actually aimed at you but rather in this case servers the moto. As a user you actually are much rather asked to use this service in the way it is supposed to be used. Create that email addresses of the stars and put in what you have to say.
Celebrity home addresses
As an ultimate method of contacting celebrities if it is really most important to you might be actual physical meeting. Of yourse you will probably not have access to certain festivals or events in which the vips take part in but one may not forget that they do lead a life like everyone else. So even though you may not have the email addresses of celebrities. The live in houses with living rooms and gardens. So if you would plan your holiday just there where the prominent lives and then use your tim to just hang out in front of their homes then chances are that you see them when they go shopping. But at that point I would advice to take a minute and remember what I said before: The point that you do not actually know the person which can make certain approaches towards it questionable could absolutely raise the question if a spontanious visit to your idol is the right thing to to do. But it would be a possibility since those people do live in private domiciles. At this point if I may add it for short: if you care to notice the use of different expressions for “house” here and then see the connection between the word “house” and “address” you see how this part enhances the impression of useful information given through this essay. So this tract serves a double purpose:
- Informing you about ideas in regard to this site
- Enlarging the information ammount presented
And also the use of this list is a popular mean to make information look valid which you also might want to adopt for the described purpose if you need it. So it remains maybe questionable if you need to be informed about the possibility to actually visit your star by just staying close to their homes and roming the streets there but according to the idea that is persued here this whole abstract serves a most imprtant goal.
Postal mail delivery
As the heading to this chapter shows we are oping another closely related field now which is that of postal delivery or postal service as a whole. Of course there are also celebrity mail addresses. If you scroll up you will find a big link talking about real street addresses of socialites. So if you checked what service is offered here and you checked the other posibilities of reaching out to somebody then maybe the street address is a possibility for you. As I mentioned previously the people we talk here might be very famous but that dos not prevent that they have to live somewhere.
And as soon as you put a letter into an envelope and write their postal address onto the envelope the mailmen will deliver your piece of writing to the named place. Fortunatly the living places of the vips are not a secret. There are many ressources you can check to find out this bit of knowledge. There is a list of such sources presented if you follow the mentioned link above. So what are the pros and cons of this technique:
- To every Star you have multiple celebrity addresses to mail to sometimes
- The living places do change through moving
- A lot of people actually use this method resulting in a flood of letters
- your written piece will at some point actually be somewhere close to the the recipient
But staying realistic here we have to admit that is some famous person intends to read all that is written to her she would have to spend her entire life with only reading which is of course not our intention. Only in order to have named everything we should not drop this old mean of transporting messages. Truth is that the same limitations given for hand written posts do as well account for electronical posts. Given that the chances of your message being acknowleged indeed should be called rather little. But this does not stop me from trying to reach that named goal. We have to recap unfortunatly that the real world system of informing someone is in this case also not a very promising one. And also we have to see at this point that it is unfortunatly not surpassed much by electronical means used to reach the same goal. One could say both these procedures have limited chances of success. A quaranteed success you only have with storing the message not with the recipient getting it. Anyways why would one not try especially if it is made so easy for the addresser to have an according piece send.
Homepages and social media
There is big ammount of social media related to the celebrities and some of them work both ways. That means you can on some social forums store messages for the account holder. I am not to much informed about those channels actually bout you might definetly want to check out Facebook and Twitter and the like to find you person of interest. Maybe listening to what they have to say themselves might be of interest for you anyways but you can also search these pages for contact possibilities. As far as I know some of these media channels hold such options in store so this might me a suitable way for persuing the given goal. Also promients usually have websites on which they present themselves. Those sites could also hold opportunities for written contact. It might be in your interest to find the named places and look there for another possibility to go on with your attempt. So lets have another short look at your possibilities of interaction with the desired addressee:
- Use Starsmail
- Check Social Media
- Check Homepages
- Write a real letter
- Roam the streets in front of their real life homes
I think with these options we should have an overview obout what can be done in order to reach out to somebody.
What makes famous people so interesting
Why do we want to have celebrity contacts. Well first of those men and women are well known for a reason. Usually they exel in something and this exellence reaches from science, sports, acting and music to the art of looking beautiful. From this thought derives the answer to the question why we want to contact celebrities. The Red Hot Chili Peppers, Green day or Pearl Jam will be interesting because people appreciate the music and lyrics that those bands come up with. An athlete might serve as role model for body usage while actors and models sometimes are just appreciated for their beauty. So in general stars are a point of attraction because of actual attraction or because of a production of a useful content.
It becomes understandable that this creates the wish in the vievers to either thank for the produced good or pull the attention of the beautiful person to themselves. It can be noticed here that sometimes the felt attraction would not hold up against a real life test but on the other hand one could argue that the made up reality of the imagined style of somebody is a point of orientation however much truth it holds or not. A bit as with a movie: The events might not be real but they do serve as a reference point nontheless. It is advisable to keep a look at the amount of praise that you give to a vip but also a bit of romantization can be useful. A long as you keep in mind that you are actually building your theories in this regard with a lot of missing knowledge resulting in a more then unprecise idea you are very much on the save side of this.
But who could resist telling this one girl that she is just amazing or that one guy that he really rocks. It should also be interesting to have a look at another phenomenon in regard to these issues. There has always been a fascination with elites. Socialites are interesting actually just because they are known well. This factor should not be underestimated. If you think a sentence like: “Well he is more beautiful but he is just not Leonardo DiCaprio” then you might be on a path of elite following that might obscur your vision on real attractivenes. The fascination of those who seemingly are of a higher position can go a long way so also in this regard you can well pay some attention. But in general celebrities do give us something and celebrity contacts to be able to give a word of thank for that is not at all a bad idea. Especially since they will probably like to hear the kind words. I hope it became evident that this site is serving just this purpouse.
When I invented this page my first thought was more about constructive criticism then praise. I remember I wanted to contact a person to give him a hint how to do things better when I realized that a contact to this person is virtually impossible. This sparked off the whole idea for this email addresses celebrities enterprise back then. By now we provide means to store messages to virtually everyone with the named restrictions of delivery. We hope first of that the reaching of the consignee is just delayed so tat actually one can contact celebrities here and that the possibilities of accessing the posts of the other users will compensate for the restrictions or in other words that this project remains interesting due to the openness.
Find the celebrity home addresses of your appreciated individuals if you look for the link given above. There you will find a list with many addreses of those women and men.
Best usage
Please remember when using this page that if you should wish to enter your own email address you should do that in the form: Yourname (at) The exchanging of the @ for the (at) makes it more dificult for compuiterprograms to discern this bit of text as an email address and then send you spam mails. Also as mentioned you should give reasons for complaints to your celebrity. and don’t just fire some meanness towards them. Those both rules ensure keeping this a place of friendship.
After having considered the given points above you probably get a good idea of the pros and cons of having celebrity email addresses. And you will probably have noticed that contacting celebrities is not really easy. But as we have heard there are two sides to this coin:
- The stars get so many messges that reading them all is not actually possible
- having a closer look mailing that certain person is not really neccessary
So with this idea about the necessity of having contact with a certain person which you actually do not know shows as not really being given. Which actually is to our advantage. We should keep in mind that even the men and women we talk about here are normal human beings. The gloriole we tend to give them is of course nothing that is backed up to much by reality. So if you should be sad that a certain person is out of your reach for messaging then you can be relaxed because the person you think of is a product of your mind. It is your imagination giving this celebrated one attributes in your mind which they can most probably never hold up to so you can very much relax in this regard. Enjoying these famous people is one thing that can be a source of fun but a crazy idol believe on the other hand is not something you wish for probably. And this accounts for love as well as for adoring. Alltogher we are pretty safe here because the people we try to reach are get through to are not as cool as we think. So we do actually not need celebrity email addresses. That is not to sey that those are not cool at all. There are some pretty cool actors like for example Schwarzenegger, Stallone or Keanu Reeves who by now is actually one of the most addressed people on this page. Those people are cool and we like seeing them in movies as they fight for what is right and make the world a more friendly place but of course you do not know if there are points to their personal believes that diverge from your own believes. Actually this is not only possible but rather this is probable. So if you just now for the first time think that among the things you do not know about somebody there might be attitudes that strongly oppose your personal worldviews the now it could be the tim to think about it. So that is in general the reason why older people change their attitudes towards vip worship.
They tend to diminish the believe in the abilities of the adored ones giving it overall a much more realistic view. Younger people sometimes credit the celebrity with being capable of everything making them an unfailable person in their eyes. That accounts for the reaction af adults when they hear teens discribe those as very perfect. They know this can not be the truth and they know that the person saying it will come to understand that later. So if you should be still in the unbound cult phase then let the knowledge of the older generation be an example for you here and maybe diminish your boundless believe in your idol.
People who are famous on tv or in music sometimes are appreciated for their being sexy or hot. Often even good looking individuals seem to have better chances in managing to climb high on the latter of success. But I would not directly say that they are just lucky with their beauty. I use to consider that looking good is not only a question of your real physical appearance. Your attitudes define how you form your face and hold your body and therefor it is in this field that a lot of your actual beauty is defined. If you are standing in front of the mirror complaining how ugly you are you are actually preventing yourself from being pretty just with this action. In this case it is not your face that makes you unattractive but rather the face you make. Being desperate is not one of the sexy faces to make so you stand there with giving yourself a not hot expression and you will probably take this expression with you when you enter the outside worls. Confidence in this case goes an incredably long way. So even if it seem difficult to you to do the most biggest of your attractiveness comes from the way you think.
You be a happy, frolic person and you will experience how appealing you are going to be. And it is not about that people think that they see an nice person in you and a sexy person in another guy or girl: It will be that your body and facial look will be seen as attractive. You will see: even if you have “flaws” like being a bit bigger maybe that it can be just the way the mouth is formed that gives a counterpart a strong feel of having to do with a handsome character. And the way you hold your lips are determined bye your attitudes. So much rather then something as given beauty you should think of it as expressing beautiful thoughts with your facial expression.
So it can be a source of creating handsomness for yourself bye having a look at celebrities faces and in this regard don’t think of their looks as something they just have but as something which is at the moment expressing their attitude towards things. You can recreate those forms and understand them for example trying adapt the same facial expression and trying to understand which “style” of expression the given celebrity is aiming at there. So Here are links to imdb showing male promints and female promient that are considered sexy:
So if you are a girl you might want to rather surf to the list of the hot guys but as I just said understanding the given attitude of an individual which is a central part of the experienced desirability can help you boost your own attractivity. Think of it this way: somebody looks friendly and has a light smile on his face and looks confident giving the expression he is doing the right things. This person will have an attractivity to them which is in this case you will wish for that character to spend time with you and to like you which shows that it is not all in the looks given from birth. So looking at v.i.p.’s of your own sex can be good for your personal handsomeness if you do it understandingly.
With these thoughts about sexiness or hotness I will close this article. I think we all have seen the one or the other thing about contacting celebrities and also about being handsome.
If one of the celebrities email addresses here is yours
If you happen to be one of the people in the celebrities email addresses then you are asked to answer to mail in your folder right inside the folder. The visitors are asked to keep the messages very short. The owners of the celebrities email addresses can write longer messages. If a folder of the celebrity mail addresses wears your name then please feel at home therein. This site is for appreciation and good advice. And as said if it is your message box then it is your message box. Whatever you wish to say as long as it is compatible with the politeness politics of this page. If you wish to put out any dates for meet and greets or the like please also name the year in which they take place. Not just like: In November I will be there.
Wikipedia resources: